Resources and guides concerning the mangement and administration of Pacific Paranormal Investigations or paranormal investigative teams in general. For a descriptive list of these resources, see below.
This permanent memorial page on our website honors our greatly loved friend and PPI Founder, Glenn Pitcher, who passed away unexpectedly on March 2, 2009.
This page on our website is dedicated to the memory of Larry Page, whose unexpected passing in 2016 took away a husband, father, teammate and dear friend.
The purpose of this document is to establish in advance of your death a set of protocols by which designated individuals (“designees”) will attempt transcommunication with you by way of electronic voice phenomenon or an equivalent method. By completing and submitting this affidavit, you and your designees consent to its use as outlined herein....
Pacific Paranormal Investigations proudly shares organizational national and international ties with many other paranormal research groups, services, and investigation networks....
Bylaws are a basic part of the governance of any organized group. Establishing rules, structure, and guiding principles, bylaws live up to their name: by these laws, a group holds itself accountable and becomes dependably managed. Without bylaws, a group that doesn't articulate its own standards risks flagging membership and organizational instability....
As an agency dedicated to education and outreach, Pacific Paranormal Investigations values the diversity of all individuals and their right to mutual respect, be they living or incorporeal....
PPI uses an extensive array of environmental monitoring equipment during our investigations with hopes of capturing physical evidence of paranormal activity....
In this resource you'll find an overview of PPI's principles of investigating that can be used as a model or adapted for your own investigative group. It includes i) a current inventory of our equipment and tools, ii) a detailed accounting of our procedures during an investigation, iii) a comprehensive delineation of the protocols we follow, and iv) a declaration of our code of ethics.
The San Diego based Pacific Paranormal Investigations (PPI) began in 2005 as a not-for-profit organization of investigators and researchers seeking to assist those who are troubled or curious about experiences they suspect are paranormal. PPI’s services are completely FREE of charge, and our investigations can extend beyond San Diego County to the greater Southern California area. As investigators our main goal is to assist clients with our services, but as researchers we also rigorously use scientific methods and current technologies to contribute to the field of paranormal research. With commitment to our clients and dedication to our peers in the field of paranormal research, we take great pride in our PPI motto: Investigate. Evaluate. Educate....
Pacific Paranormal Investigation's charter and membership bylaws.
PPI is one among tens of thousands of not-for-profit paranormal investigative groups worldwide proud to support and ally with a broader network of dedicated sister groups. However, as a trademarked identity, we are unaffiliated with any other investigative or research entity whose moniker or initials may resemble ours.
As Pacific Paranormal Investigations proudly glances backward on its decade of volunteer investigative and educational outreach, we're also looking foward to the next generation of paranormal investigators. That's why we are opening our vaults and sharing with the public those investigative and organizational resources we we’ve worked very hard to develop these last ten years.
Since 2007, Pacific Paranormal Investigations has been registered with the TAPS Family Members (TFM) network, the official worldwide network of investigation, outreach, and research groups started by The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS).
Here you'll learn more about our roster of active team members and investigators, and our organization structure.