- Written by Karl Sherlock
In "Big, Scary Mess: Clutter and Its Connection To Paranormal Phenomena," we take a nonjudgmental look at the role of clutter in the claims of the paranormal, addressing the really messy business of sorting out a haunted psyche from a haunted house. It's a delicate problem, and not always just a simple matter of impugning someone's housekeeping skills.
- Written by Karl Sherlock
One of the common problems that any paranormal investigation group eventually encounters is the delicate issue of prescription medications clients take, but which they are often reluctant to discuss with anyone but family.
PPI Investigator Debra Page, a specialist in world religions, discusses one of the rarer forms paranormal phenomena in "Elemental Haunting: An Overview for the Paranormal Researcher."
- Written by Brian Miller
The subject of Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP has provided some of the most compelling evidence of paranormal activity ever captured. But the most intriguing characteristic of Electronic Voice Phenomena is that anyone with a quality recorder can capture it; the phenomena is available to any one willing to spend the time to investigate and carefully analyze their recordings.
- Written by Brian Miller
Over the years there has been a lot of debate regarding the nature of Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP. One prevailing idea is that EVP is composed of either ultrasonic or infrasonic sound waves, and that is the reason why investigators are unable to hear EVP at the time of capture. Although this is an elegant idea, it is unlikely because it defies the basic understandings of acoustic energy.
- Written by Dan Scott
Guest writer Dan Scott, an amateur ham radio operator and founder of SanDiegoHaunted.com, offers an informed and practical review of the controversial Frank's Spirit Box.
- Written by Brian Miller
The idea of documenting environmental fluctuations at alleged haunted locations dates back to at least the 1930's, when serious paranormal investigators like Harry Price began applying the principals of scientific method to spontaneous paranormal investigations in the field. Price standardized the practice of environmental monitoring during his famous investigation of Borley Rectory, and his methodologies proved so compelling they are still used in the field today.
- Written by Tim Mountain
In "Improper Use of Psychics During a Paranormal Investigation," Tim Mountain "tells it like it is" about the reasons scientifically based paranormal investigating gives psychics a demoted role to play, and what the protocols of their participation should be.
- Written by Brian Miller
Of the three most commonly reported types of haunting phenomena, the intelligent haunt is by far the most intriguing. Reports of intelligent haunts have been recorded for thousands of years by every culture around the world. Are there common threads of truth that bind these reports together?
- Written by Alyssa Ramos
Any ghost hunter will tell you the holy grail of the craft is to catch a full-body apparition. But [El Cajon based] Pacific Paranormal Investigations have another goal....
- Written by Jack O. Nemissan
I remember I was about six when my 16-year- old sister had several of her girlfriends at our home for a slumber party. I was not interested in girls yet so the night was extremely uneventful for me. At least most of the night was uneventful. The only interesting part of that night came late in the evening when I heard loud screaming coming from inside her bedroom. Then her bedroom door flew open with such force that it sucked the air out of the hallway where I was....
- Written by Jack O. Nemissan
In "Provoking, or How to Lose Friends and Influence Ghosts in the Paranormal World," Jason Sieckman takes a tongue-in-cheek but critical look at provocation, a technique some paranormal investigators employ to get a rise out of spirits and stir up more activity.
- Written by Jan Gray
The theater was truly dark, a dark so thick it oozed over three members of the team like a viscous oil. Three lights were visible: a demonic lens blinking like a red beacon from afar, a blue power signal, property of a digital night vision camera and the ghoulish green from the screen of an electromagnetic field (EMF) detector....
- Written by Tim Mountain
In "Residual Haunts: Why Is This Happening Again & Again?" Tim Mountain reviews the basics of a certain classification of paranormal activity: the recurrent haint, also known as a residual haunting,
- Written by Karl Sherlock
In "Spooking Yourself: Confirmation Bias, Consensus Building, and Household Myth-Making," Karl Sherlock explains one of the most frequent pitfalls in claiming to witness paranormal activity, and warns against two of the most common behaviors that result from it, manufacturing consensus and collaborating on household myths.
- Written by Karl Sherlock
Pacific Paranormal Investigations conducted its first investigation of the Star in August 2007 and has since launched two more thorough follow-up inquiries to debunk and analyze a host of perplexing evidence, some of which is thought to be potentially paranormal....